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Artificial Disc Replacement

Potential Issues with Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

Mon Dec 23

Got prescribed for an Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery to cure your current spinal conditions and thinking what could be the potential issues with Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery, if any. The surgery besides solving a range of spinal conditions can also cause some potential issues during or after the Spinal Disc Replacement Surgery procedure.

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Now before moving onto listing the complications of the artificial disc replacement or artificial disc surgery risks, let us give you a brief of what Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery actually is and what it solves which will inturn help you understand the side effects of artificial disc replacement surgery better and also the reason behind potential failure of artificial disc replacement. Moving on we’ll also discuss the Post-surgery recovery after disc replacement.


Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery


Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery also called the ADR and commonly known as the Total Disc Replacement or the TDR offers a promising option for traditional spinal fusion technique for the treatment of degenerative disc and underlying conditions. The core differentiator is that ADR focuses on reestablishing motion and flexibility unlike Spinal Fusion which completely restricts any movement of the affected area/segment of the spine which hence avoids the risk of adjacent degeneration of the affected segment making ADR a revolutionary alternative in the spinal surgery field.


In Spite of being such a safe option, ADR still arrives with its own potential issues that might take place during or after the surgery that is during the recovery period. Hence understanding the potential issues of the Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery is really important for the patients.

What is the Procedure of Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?


  1. Firstly a small incision is made either in the neck or the abdomen of the patient who has already been given a dose of general anesthesia.
  2. The surgeon then very carefully removes the damaged intervertebral disc.
  3. Then the surgeon with utmost care places the Artificial Disc in place replacing the damaged disc which ultimately reestablishes the spinal alignment and thereby the functions.

Note: The recovery time period post ADR surgery is way quicker as compared to the time taken after the traditional Spinal Fusion Technique.

Now before moving onto the potential issues and side effects of the Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery or the ADR, let us now surprise your eyes by listing some of the most disturbing questions swimming across your mind regarding ADR and its potential complications


  1. What are the Risks of Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery or the ADR?
  2. What could be some common problems after artificial disc replacement?
  3. What could be major side effects of Spinal Disc Replacement surgery?
  4. How often does artificial disc replacement fail after the surgery has been completely performed?
  5. What happens if an artificial Disc Implant fails post surgery?
  6. Is artificial disc replacement a safe procedure to cure my spinal condition?
  7. Can artificial disc replacement cause pain during the recovery period?
  8. What are some signs of complications after disc surgery?


Surprised right? Now let us surprise you even more by making this article a one stop answer to all your questions


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However the potential issues of the Artificial Disc Replacement surgery do exist but the studies have proved that these issues or complications are extremely rare and occurance rate of such compilations in the patients is considerably lower than the traditional techniques to treat the Spinal Conditions.


Potential Complications or Issues During the Surgery


Bleeding or Excessive Blood Loss

Uncarefully performed incisions can lead to external bleeding and excessive blood loss during the ADR procedure can make the patient critical and the ADR might fail.


Anesthesia Complications

Some patients are sensitive to certain drugs such as Anesthesia hence the body can adversely react to it when given for performing the ADR hence the complete medical history of the patient should be examined before giving him or her anesthesia dose to avoid any such complications which might hinder the successful completion of the ADR.


Heart Failure or Even Heart Attack as a possible complications

Any carelessness shown by the surgeon while replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one might lead to oxygen passage blockage towards the heart in order to pump the required blood which might result in a heart failure or even a heart attack.

Note: Another possible complication that might occur during the surgery but caught later is the infection or damage to the surrounding tissues and nerves while performing the ADR.


Subsidence or Device Migration

The most common potential complication that might occur post Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery is known as the Device Migration or the Subsidence. 

It simply means that the artificial devices placed during the surgery have shifted their location due to surgical error either on one side of the tissue or the other which may lead to affected body weight balance and a negative impact on the spinal movement.If the depth of such devices have not been observed carefully before placing then it might lead to suboptimal functional motion.

Note: Infection and clotting of blood are some other potential issues which could be diagnosed after the ADR surgery caused due to anesthesia doses or other related causes.


How to Prevent these Potential ADR issues?

Expert Surgeon

Make sure that you are under an expert surgeon which automatically minimises the surgical complications.


Isolated and Clean Surroundings

Doctors and the team should make sure that the operation is being performed in a sterile environment to protect the patient from any sort of unwanted infection.


Complete Medical Examination Prior to Surgery

Get yourself completely examined by a medical expert and make yourself and the surgeon aware about the allergies or sensitivities you might be having, if any, prior to the surgery.


Individual Treatment

Every patient should be treated individually and with proper attention and care which reduces the risk of device migration or improper disc implant leading to the potential cause of the Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery.



Hope we have now answered your question of what could be the potential issues with the Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery or the ADR. The article above contains the possible side effects of the artificial disc replacement and the possible reasons of failure of artificial disc replacement as well. Now whether you are in the Post surgery recovery  period after disc replacement or going for an Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery in some time, keep in mind the signs, symptoms and causes of these potential complications of the ADR. We recommend you to consult an expert surgeon whenever you land upon a decision. Thank You and wish you the best treatment and a speedy recovery.

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